
Exclusive insights into the technology, techniques, and innovations brands use to sell travel now

Consumer Habits

State of Travel 2024: Travel in 350 Charts

Our biggest report of the year with 350+ insights. Understand the consumer, business, and investment trends defining the state of travel in 2024. Our goal was to create a chart for any major travel question you may have.


Online Travel

A Deep Dive into Google Travel Part III: Hotel Distribution From East to West

We undertook a unique web scraping exercise of over 20,000 hotels listed on Google Hotels across the U.S., Europe, Asia Pacific and Middle East & Africa in order to understand today’s online hotel distribution landscape.


Online Travel

The Past, Present, and Future of Online Travel

The golden era of Booking and Expedia is facing challenges of slowing growth and increased competition, prompting a fierce battle for market share through innovation and expansion efforts amid a changing landscape.



Modern Airline Retailing and the Evolution of Airline Distribution

The noticeable acceleration in the implementation of distribution changes in recent years has placed airlines in a favorable position, granting them greater autonomy over their inventory and reducing their reliance on Travel Management Companies (TMCs) compared to the past. This change in dynamics will prove consequential as more airlines move towards direct distribution.


Online Travel

A Deep Dive into Google Travel Part II: U.S. vs Europe in 20 Charts

The underlying hotel supply in Europe is much less branded than it is in the U.S., meaning a greater reliance on OTAs for bookings. In turn there is a more fragmented online distribution market in Europe, with Google’s introduction of an organic auction providing further opportunity for smaller OTAs and new entrants to gain market share.


Online Travel

A Deep Dive into Google Travel Part I: U.S. Hotel Distribution

In this web scraping exercise of Google Hotels, we consider one of the most interesting questions in the travel industry currently: what role does Google play in the shifting sands of hotel distribution? Google, not one to stay static, is constantly tweaking its hotels platform and we see its latest iteration contributing directly to the democratization of the online travel market and a dis-intermediation of the legacy OTAs in favour of direct bookings.



Skift Research Global Travel Outlook 2023

The new year will give no rest to a weary travel industry. After years of work to dig out of the hole the pandemic put us in, travel in 2023 may find that the hardest part still lies ahead. The groundwork for growth is in place but achieving success will be no simple task.


Online Travel

A Deep Dive Into Google’s Impact on Travel 2022

The metasearch wars are drawing to a close and Google is winning. The future of independent travel metasearch in the U.S. and Europe is at risk, in our view.



Skift Research Global Travel Outlook 2022

With 2022 on the horizon, the travel recovery has begun in earnest. Brands are competing to win returning consumers but may find that old habits and preferences have evolved.


Multi-Day Tour Operators 2021: Reshaping Supply Chains and Distribution

Anyone seeking to understand leisure travel overlooks tour operators at their own risk. It is one of the last great offline sectors in the travel industry but that cannot last. Changing consumer behavior and new tech is driving disruption in these businesses, the effects of which have only been compounded by the significant impact of COVID-19.



Hotel Direct Booking Outlook in 2021

Despite years of pushing direct booking campaigns, third parties remain a crucial part of hotel distribution strategy. Learn how many bookings each distribution channel delivers, at what cost, and the outlook for direct bookings in this report.


Consumer Habits

Skift Research Global Travel Outlook 2021

Glad this year is finally over? Us too! In its annual outlook, Skift Research looks forward to the big themes and challenges that it believes are in store for the travel industry as it begins the long uphill climb to recovery next year.
