Take Skift's 2019 Marketing Operations Survey

Skift Take

As travel CMOs and their teams take on more responsibilities, a well-designed and articulated operations plan is crucial for delivering marketing success. Take our marketing operations benchmark survey and get inspired on what to improve.

Travel CMOs and their teams are playing increasingly more important roles in business.

With core responsibilities expanding from contributing to revenue growth to owning and enhancing the whole customer journey and even setting up corporate strategies and directions on the one hand, and the swelling complexities with technological offerings and skills and functional demands on the other hand, a well-designed and articulated operations plan is crucial for delivering marketing success. How should a marketing team be structured? What functions should report under marketing? Who make decisions on tech purchases? And finally, should there be a separate marketing operations role/team? We’d like to probe into these areas and generate benchmark data to help travel marketing executives see how they stack up in the industry and set up strategies to optimize.

To do so, we need your help. If you are familiar with your company’s marketing operational practice, please take the survey. In return, we will send you a promo code for a free copy of our latest Skift Research e-book, The Amazon Factor in Travel ($50 value). We will also send you a copy of the survey findings for free ($195 value).

All responses will be kept anonymous and confidential.

If you are interested in participating in surveys like this from time to time and joining a community of industry experts leading global trends in critical areas of travel, please join Skift Council.

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