Articles tagged “online travel”

Online Travel

India's Travel Booking Landscape

India’s travel booking landscape is rapidly shifting online, driven by the younger demographic, rising smartphone penetration, and improving internet connectivity across the country. Currently diverse and fragmented, the online travel landscape, is poised for dynamic growth as local players strive to maintain their dominance and Western OTAs take steps to tap into the emerging opportunity.
Online Travel

Online Travel Agency Factbook 2022

Around the world in 11 online travel agencies. Use our 2022 Online Travel Agency Factbook to compare the performance of booking sites from across five continents.

A Deep Dive into Tripadvisor 2020

Tripadvisor had been working on a turn-around even before COVID-19 hit. We take a deep dive into the company's financials, business strategies, and challenges for 2020 and beyond.
Consumer Habits

The State of Middle East Outbound Travel 2019

Outbound travel from the Middle East hasn’t garnered the attention of some other outbound markets, but given the high travel expenditure and growth of the region, we think this is one that’s worth paying attention to.

Skift Research E-Book: The Amazon Factor in Travel

Amazon's influence over travelers is likely to grow. Perhaps it will be a direct competitor, or maybe an advertising partner. In either case, travel companies need to pay careful attention. Our limited edition e-book evaluates lessons, threats, and opportunities that Amazon presents for the travel industry.

The State of India Outbound Travel 2018

The India outbound travel market is poised to boom in a matter of years. The global travel industry needs to make itself aware of this market and why it matters now, so they’re not scrambling to catch up later.
Marketing and Media

Amazon: Lessons, Threats and Opportunities for Travel

Amazon likely has a role to play in the future of travel distribution, marketing, or devices — if not all three. Travel leaders need to prepare today, or risk being caught flat-footed tomorrow.

Skift Research: Introducing Our 2018 Travel Industry Research Canvas

We continue to evolve and improve our product with the busy travel industry executive in mind. We’re digging deeper than ever before with more analyst perspective, and more data to support our forward-looking insights and conclusions. 2018 will be the year of the subscriber.

A Deep Dive Into Ctrip and the China Online Travel Market 2017

As the Chinese economy has grown and opened up to the West, both domestic leisure and outbound travel have ramped significantly. At the same time, the country is still in the early stages of moving bookings from offline to online. A growing travel market and increased adoption of online bookings is a potent recipe for growth at Ctrip and the industry as a whole.