Online Travel

From dominant OTAs to rising digital disruptors, the online travel ecosystem is in constant flux. Platforms are racing to capture consumer demand through smarter pricing, AI-driven personalization, and evolving distribution models.

Skift Research delivers deep dives and in-depth reporting into the strategies of major players, analyzing market share shifts, direct booking battles, and the role of fintech in travel payments

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We explore how regulatory changes, super apps, and loyalty ecosystems are reshaping online travel’s competitive landscape.

With insights on consumer booking behavior, shifting marketing dynamics, and the next wave of industry innovation, our research equips travel executives with the intelligence needed to navigate this fast-moving digital space.


A Deep Dive into Google Travel Part I: U.S. Hotel Distribution

In this web scraping exercise of Google Hotels, we consider one of the most interesting questions in the travel industry currently: what role does Google play in the shifting sands of hotel distribution? Google, not one to stay static, is constantly tweaking its hotels platform and we see its latest iteration contributing directly to the democratization of the online travel market and a dis-intermediation of the legacy OTAs in favour of direct bookings.

Short-Term Rental OTAs: Airbnb vs Vrbo in 20 Charts

We attempt to tell you everything you'd want to know about the Airbnb - Vrbo rivalry in 20 charts... Sadly we failed, and give you 23 charts instead. As a bonus we sprinkle in some analysis too, data permitting.
Online Travel

The Last Outpost of Travel: A Deep Dive into Tours, Activities and Experiences 2023

The tours, activities & experiences market is a lucrative and underexplored opportunity in the travel industry. Its high fragmentation, influx of small suppliers, and rapid shift from offline to online makes it a goldmine for online intermediaries to gain market share from traditional offline players.

State of Travel 2023: Travel in 250 Charts

Travel is back! While 2022 was all about bumper performances in some countries and sectors, and lagging performances in others, we can truly say that 2023 is the year that travel fully recovered. But we do need to be clear-eyed about persisting and upcoming challenges. This report hands you everything you need to know in one 250+ slide deck.
Online Travel

Hopper's Rise in Travel 2023

Hopper is the new kid on the block. Except it's not. Founded in 2007, it spent a decade building a huge database of flight information before selling its first flight booking in 2016. The time it spent on its cutting edge price prediction capabilities have paid dividends, leading to the launch of a suite of fintech products which have been fundamental in Hopper's disruption of the legacy OTAs.

Generative AI's Impact on Travel

Generative AI is poised to transform the travel industry. True, there’s plenty of hype out there with little substance to back it up. But even after Skift Research separates the chaff from the wheat, we find that a multi-billion dollar opportunity still remains.

Online Travel Booking Trends During the Pandemic

Are the channel wars coming back? The pandemic brought a wave of direct bookings but our latest survey data suggests that this trend may not last. Plus, we find surprising shifts in booking site usage and share among American travelers.

Skift Research Global Travel Outlook 2023

The new year will give no rest to a weary travel industry. After years of work to dig out of the hole the pandemic put us in, travel in 2023 may find that the hardest part still lies ahead. The groundwork for growth is in place but achieving success will be no simple task.
Online Travel

Expedia and Booking in the Post-Pandemic Travel Landscape

Travel is back in full swing and Expedia Group and Booking Holdings are now fully recovered versus the pandemic. But under the hood, big changes are underway as these two booking sites revamp their strategies for the future.

State of Travel 2022: Charting Travel's Future

So much has happened in the the travel industry in recent years. This new report by Skift Research puts perspective on those dizzying changes by providing definitive and data-driven insight into the current state of the travel industry, and the trends that will shape the future.
Online Travel

Online Travel Agency Factbook 2022

Around the world in 11 online travel agencies. Use our 2022 Online Travel Agency Factbook to compare the performance of booking sites from across five continents.