Consumer Habits

U.S. Traveler Profile and Key Statistics

Consumer Habits

U.S. Traveler Profile and Key Statistics

July 2019
25 min read
Seth Borko

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Skift Take

The U.S. is one of the most diverse countries in the world and its residents' travel habits reflect that. That makes studying different demographics and travel spending categories key to understanding the American traveler.

Report Overview

Skift Research has conducted an analysis of travel data provided by multiple government agencies and our own proprietary estimates to create a profile of the American leisure travel consumer that includes spending estimates and key stats that businesses need to understand.

We are able to answer questions like how many Americans travel and what does a typical American spend on travel in a given year? Further, we break the answer to these questions down by a number of important demographic factors such as income, education, family type, age, residential area, and race.

In this report, travel spending is grouped into four top-level categories (transportation, lodging, food and drink, and entertainment) as well as several subcategories which are contextualized relative to each other, relative to general year-round consumer spending, and as average household spends. Travel spending is also presented in a historical context with data spanning the time frame from 1997–2017.

This report closes with profiles of international trips taken by Americans. This includes frequency of international travel, trip planning tools used and timing, top overseas destinations and how they have changed over time, and preferred activities while in-destination.

Taken together, Skift Research aims to provide travel executives with the key statistics they can use to better understand, and ultimately to drive more business with, American consumers.

What You'll Learn From This Report

  • The number of Americans who travel each year and how participation rates vary by demographics
  • Detailed American consumer spending on travel in aggregate and per household, cross-tabbed by income, education, family type, age, residential area, and race
  • Travel spending broken down by categories. Top-level groupings are transportation, lodging, food and drink, and entertainment
  • Historical time series data on travel spending from 1996–2017
  • Profiles of overseas trips taken by Americans including frequency of travel, trip planning process and timing, overseas destinations, and in-destination activities